Networking and Coffee Chats: A Guide

For starters, what is networking and why is it so important?

According to Business Insider (Business Insider) anywhere between 70-80% of jobs aren’t ever listed for the public! They are either filled internally or through referrals from a person’s network - which is where networking comes in. 

-Teaches you how to communicate in a professional setting and make a strong first impression to potential employers

-Builds a network to support you in your current and future endeavours

-Offers a new perspective on others’ experiences, careers, and aspirations

Often when a person thinks about networking, they imagine large banquet hall events and conventions filled to the brim with students, recent graduates, and professionals stationed at booths. They imagine suits and business cards and a frantic bustle to enter the conversation circles of as many people as they can in order to introduce themselves and offer to connect on LinkedIn. 

But not all networking is like this; it can be simple - reaching out to connections you already have such as friends, family, and colleagues to whom you would ask questions such as “do you know anyone hiring in [enter industry]” or “my skills are [enter skills], do you know anyone who may need them?” 

Other ways to network can be over social media such as LinkedIn and Facebook. While Facebook is more informal and allows you to join groups of like-minded people, LinkedIn is a professional platform where you can search for prospective employers, employees, and professionals in an industry that interests you. Here, you can reach out to them by attaching a short introductory note to a connection request - but choose your words wisely. This is the first impression you make on the person (if you haven’t already met them in person or online) and will determine whether or not they accept your connection request. 

This note is important because it should contain a short introduction of yourself and why you are contacting that person. Is it because they work at a company that you hope to work at as well? Maybe they are involved in an industry that you would like to learn more about. Perhaps you simply admire what they have accomplished and would like to learn more about them and gain some insight into their success. 

Interested in learning how to draft an effective LinkedIn request? Check out this article by the Muse:

Networking can also occur on a larger scale, such as at the large events alluded to earlier. These typically occur during recruit season for various industries and are organized by large organizations such as CPA (Chartered Professional Accountants). Other middle and large-scale events can be found on University and College student resource portals, Eventbrite, Facebook, or are advertised on social and local media. 

Networking is diverse and versatile. It allows you to display your potential and can open an infinite amount of opportunities if done correctly. 

So how do you succeed at networking?

The most important thing to keep in mind is proactiveness. Make the first move and reach out. Remember, most of the time it will be you who is looking for someone to connect with and thus, you must be the conversation starter. 

Whether you introduce yourself with a “hello” and a smile or a handshake depends on you. What matters most is how you connect with the person. Is it through an anecdote of a shared experience? Do you have mutual connections? Small talk may even work in some situations - as long as you’re able to turn it into a productive conversation. Show that you’re interested in whatever it is the person is saying! Ask for clarifications, ask questions (but don’t interrupt!), and add value to the discussion. 

Be sure to prepare an elevator pitch as well! Chances are, if you ask about a person’s background, they’ll ask about yours. Your pitch should include who you are, what you do or what you want to, and why you do it or why you want to. Better yet, find a way to express what you want to gain from the networking event! Keep a few business cards and, if acceptable by the nature of the event, resumes on hand, they can definitely boost your image!

Interested in learning more about preparing an elevator pitch? Check out:

Another key point to consider which was mentioned earlier is the number of people you will be connecting with. Networking events can be incredibly overwhelming when you spend your time and energy trying to speak to as many people as possible. Instead, try to identify a select group of individuals that you are interested in getting to know better and try to spend your limited time forming meaningful, qualitative connections. If a list of attendees, presenters/speakers, and employers is provided, be sure to reference that.


Is there anything to avoid while networking?

Well, according to Stephen Moore:

-First impressions are everything at networking events. You must dress to impress, behave professionally, and prepare a strong 30-second elevator pitch. Under no circumstances must you attend in anything less than business casual attire. 

-To build meaningful relationships you must be genuine. Although it depends on the nature of the networking event (some are more geared towards co-op, full-time, and internship recruit) it is important to refrain from excessively advertising your resume. 

-Whether eating or drinking, avoid overindulging since it will ruin your image. 

-While you don’t want to overexert yourself and speak to too many people, you also don’t want to spend too much time with just one or two. You’re spending valuable time to make meaningful connections, make it count!

-When at first you don’t succeed, try again. So you finished your first networking event and you haven’t been able to secure any opportunities. Don’t worry too much, these things take time and practice. There are many factors that determine your success and the only way to get better is to keep trying your best. Don’t give up, things will work out eventually!

Want to learn more about networking as well as the do’s and don'ts? Check out the rest of Stephen Moore’s article:

Now, what are coffee chats and how are they related to networking?

Coffee chats are a great way to connect with someone outside of a formal setting! This method of networking can set you apart from others as it allows you to stand out by making deeper connections and forming genuine long-term relationships. Coffee chats are exactly what the name suggests, they are usually half-hour meetings that take place at cafés or restaurants. But despite a lack of formality, it is important to maintain respect and behave in an appropriate manner. 

You can ask for a coffee chat from someone you meet at a networking event, an acquaintance of a person you already know, or even someone you come across on LinkedIn.

Wondering how to reach out for coffee chats and approach prospective connections? Check out:

While networking sessions and events are a great way to start, coffee chats add value and can help you take a step further whether it be during a job-seeking process or simply getting to know an industry and some people within it. Coffee chats are commonly referred to as informational interviews since they give you the opportunity to gain a more personalized understanding of the industry you are looking into through the eyes of a professional. 

Much like networking events, it is important to do research on the person you are speaking with ahead of time. Check out their company’s website and their personal LinkedIn profile, take notes, and prepare your questions accordingly! And don’t forget your elevator pitch!

It can be a great conversation starter or segue into the direction that you want your informational interview to go. 

Wondering what types of questions to ask at a coffee chat and what types of answers to look for? Check out:

What are the do’s and don’ts during a coffee chat? 

-Typically, it is best to avoid bringing your questions in an electronic format - whether on your phone or your laptop. Instead, bring a notebook and a pen to take notes while the person you are chatting with is imparting important information. When you type away at a phone on a laptop you can come off as distracted and disengaged even though you may just be typing up notes.

-It is also recommended that you bring your list of questions written down in your notebook because again, checking your phone or laptop will make you seem disengaged.

-As you are the one asking another person to take time out of their day for you, you should keep some money on hand to pay for the drinks. Be sure to ask what type of drink your guest prefers ahead of time!

-You can never go wrong with offering them your business card, however, you should refrain from asking your guest to review your resume. An informational interview is for you to learn more about the other person, their experiences, and their expertise. Asking them to critique your resume isn’t quite appropriate for this type of meeting. 

-Refrain from asking favours. This is a casual, informational conversation and the person you are speaking with is already doing you a favour by taking the time to broaden your understanding of their career and industry. It is disrespectful to immediately ask them to offer you a job and make it seem like that is your only intention. Show gratefulness and appreciation for the time they are giving you.

-Finally, be sure to follow up after your chat! As you have taken the time to qualitatively improve your connection with another person, it is imperative that you remain in contact with them. Whether it be through check-in emails and LinkedIn messages every once in a while or through engaging with them on the platform, do not just leave them hanging! Staying in contact will also allow you to remain aware of any opportunities they may have to offer you in the future.

For tips on how to have a successful coffee chat and informational interview etiquette, check out these articles by the Muse and Scotiabank: