Member Spotlight: Lisa Michaud on Career Changes and Surrounding Yourself with an Inspiring Network

YWiB Vancouver member Lisa Michaud, Success Coach and Speaker, shares her insight into navigating career changes, getting what you want out of life and the importance of surrounding yourself with an inspiring and motivating network.  Come celebrate Lisa's achievements with our first Member Spotlight.

Full interview with Lisa Michaud

LM: I’m Lisa Michaud and I’m a success coach and speaker working with modern men and women who want to have it all.

What’s one piece of advice you wish you had before starting your career?

LM: I wish that before I started my career someone had told me this; I wish that someone had told me that you don’t need to have it all planned out.  I wish someone had told me that my career was going to be more like a jungle gym than a ladder.  I wish someone had told me to think more about the kind of work that I like doing instead of working for a specific title or industry or subject.

So starting to think about the fact that I love working with people and don’t really love analysing spreadsheets, or that I love working with people one on one as opposed to working on projects with software and things that I’m not really interested in; I wish someone had told me that I should be flexible with my career.  It would have helped make things a whole lot easier when changes did come, because they inevitably do.

What projects are you working on now?

LM: I just finished a free video and workbook series for modern women who want to have it all and I would love to share it with you.  In the workbook and video series, in three days you’ll be able to figure out; what it is that you really want in your life and how you can have it all.  You can find the free video and workbook series at my website:

Why did you join YWiB?

LM: I recently moved to Vancouver just about a year ago and when I moved here, I didn’t know a lot of people and I decided that I wanted to change that.  I was looking for a group of driven, inspiring women to get to know and I found YWiB and I’m so glad that I did.

So far, the experience has been amazing.  I’ve been able to take part in the Blueprint Mentorship Program and it’s connected me with a phenomenal mentor.  I’ve been able to take courses through YWiB to learn more about everything from how to network better to how to build websites.  I’m so grateful that I found YWiB and I’m so proud to be a member.