YWIB + Chris Flett: An Entrepreneurial Match Made in Heaven

Chris Flett in a room full of bright and beautiful young women. No, this isn’t the opening of a joke or a scene in a polygamous comedy. It’s Campus CEO – the life altering opportunity presented by Chris Flett and YWIB.  Helped run by the lovely Tara Clark, Campus CEO is a business bootcamp, offering advice, guidance and inspiration to YWIB members with an entrepreneurial dream. Over thirty women take time out of their busy lives to attend workshops once or twice a month.

Led by Chris, they cover the essentials of business development, or “how to make money”. By using stories of personal experience and the dissection of successful international businesses (including Starbucks and The Fairmont Hotels), Chris effortlessly debunks the myths that young women “can’t do businesses” and provides the framework to understand entrepreneurship. Televisions Dragons Den is used as a regular example to spur on conversations on negotiation and partnerships. It’s a steep learning curve with the banner event happening in May. Each participant gets the chance to pitch their business idea to a “Dragons Den” style Panel made up of established entrepreneurs with the hope of receiving financial backing.

To make it even more exciting, the ladies of Campus CEO are thrown into the trenches with prize-winning challenges. How would you like to have a spectacular lunch picking the brain of Chris Flett? All you’ve gotta do is get Obama, Steven Harper or Kevin O’Leary on the phone…

To find out more about Campus CEO and trace the progress of the incredible women involved check out the Campus CEO Facebook page, Chris' Blog (chrisflett.com) and visit YWIB for upcoming event announcements.