Social Distancing Survive & Thrive Guide

We’re now almost a month deep in social-distancing, and while the initial shock and adjustment period has shifted, we wanted to provide you with a couple of (mostly free) resources to help you survive & thrive through these times. 

First & foremost, we encourage you to take good care of yourself (& loved ones). Do what feels right for you, whether that means reading a book, exercising, eating chocolate, video-calling friends, watching your favourite show, having a bath, learning a new skill, going for a social-distance walk, or anything else that is calling you. While we’re not saying you need to be productive 100% of the time (we see you, Netflix), but encourage you to make the most of this “extra” down-time to come out the other side stronger and with an added sense of how to look after yourself (and others). Regardless, we’re in this together!

Share your favourites, or share your other resources on how you’re using this time, we’d love to hear! 

Social Distancing Guide