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Re-Imagining Work-Life Balance: a panel and workshop event presented by YWiB


YWiB Vancouver is proud to present Re-Imagining Work-Life Balance, an invigorating panel and workshop event on re-defining work-life balance for the modern day professional.

Work-life balance is the dream for every professional juggling multiple roles in their lives, but how can you go about attaining this ideal?

Mobify, 725 Granville
Thursday, April 19, 6-9pm

In a panel discussion with thought leaders in the field of personal well-being, our panelists from a wide range of professional industries will engage in a dynamic conversation on re-imagining and re-defining work-life balance to keep up with emerging societal trends. In addition to sharing their tips and tricks for establishing more work-life balance into your daily routine, our panel speakers will cover topics such as being mindful of our technology usage and creating a space for family in the workplace. The panel will be followed by a workshop on practical strategies for establishing work-life balance into your own lives.

For event information and tickets, visit the Eventbrite page.

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