New year, new books to enjoy

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It's February, which means we're 1/12 of the way through the year! It feels like a lot longer with so much negative news being so negative lately, so why not take this opportunity to unplug and catch up on your reading? There are plenty of perspectives to hear, so curl up with some recommendations from our YWiB community. Here are some books to inspire and motivate:

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

"In an age where even in art there seems to be a focus on the final product or end result, Kleon's manifesto on creativity is refreshing. At a slim 100-something pages, it is a fast engaging read, filled with doodles and quotes and functioning the way zines your internet friend would send you." -anaïs

Body of Work: Finding the Thread that Ties Your Story Together by Pamela Slim

"I had to keep putting this book down, not because it was tiresome, but because my mind would start processing all the great ideas that came from it. This is one of those books that gets you thinking about the legacy you wish to leave and the body of work that will define you." -Andy Beal

The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

"In The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell explores and illustrates the phenomenon of epidemic—the dissemination of ideas, products, messages, and behaviour—in today’s society. Demonstrating Gladwell’s penchant for story-telling to brilliant effect, it presents a fresh, compelling look at human societal behaviour and our own role to play within such contexts. Disarming yet altogether convincing, The Tipping Point is a must-read for anyone who has ever dreamed of being a real change agent—especially through the little things in life." -Jessie Ho

Outliers: the Story of Success also by Malcolm Gladwell

"As the subtitle states, this is a book of success stories, and true to his usual style, Gladwell draws on a diverse and interesting set of examples and presents a unique thesis on the ingredients it takes to make a person a success. The first half of the equation is much like Carol Dweck’s thesis in Mindset: The New Psychology of Success . Hard work matters much more than raw talent." -Kressel Housman

How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran

" I straight-up disagree with her on at least two major points. But the thing is, her arguments for those two points were not ones I'd heard before. They made me think about issues in genuinely new ways. And I spend a LOT of time thinking about these things. She's a fresh and incisive intellect. But in general, this book had a great balance of anecdote and analysis, alternating milk-out-your-nose-funny stories of booze and underpants with cogent analyses of the current Western State of Affairs." -Carolyn

20-Something, 20 Everything: A Quarter-life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction by Christine Hassler

"At first I thought it would be another book to motivate and inspire but then as I got more into it, towards the middle and end, it was just more assuring that life is about acceptance and if you really want change to come about - you are the only one who will make that happen. I think the author hit the 20's decade head on - she was able to tell me exactly what I am going through and what I feel, and it's really made me feel better about my situation. I mean I was pretty happy with my life but not I feel like I can accept it more and not feel so antsy to keep trying to get to the top fast." -Hoan

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Year of Yes: How to Dance it Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes

"Who knew this was what I needed to hear? Shonda Rimes did. A gifted writer who has created some of America's beloved television characters, Rimes tells it like it is and reveals her flaws, insecurities, and weaknesses all while sharing the story of the greatest challenge she made for herself. YEAR OF YES gives hardcore helpful advice on how you can't do it all, it's okay to admit you need help, and saying YES to yourself comes in many forms. Highly recommend to all women!" -Rachel Watkins

You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

"This book was Badass!!!! If you have any mental barriers that are holding you back from achieving your goals then this book is for you! You have to be comfortable with some colorful language, and the idea of the Law of Attraction, but if you're open minded you will get a lot from this book. I've read a lot of books on this subject, but this one was so much more in your face (in a good way) and more easy to put into practice." -Emmy

The Accidental Entrepreneur: 50 Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me about Starting Business by Susan Urquhart-Brown

"An excellent, easy to read resource for anyone starting a business or struggling with new business growing pains. Workbook style 'homework' pages are helpful." -Gayle

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If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You by Kelly Cutrone

"Cutrone is a bully. That's what really made me like this book, because - despite that - I like her. She's an unapologetic, vicious, caring, pushy, understanding, condescending, supportive contradiction. She's also aware of that and embraces it as part of her essential philosophy, which makes her among the most endearing autobiographers I've ever read." -Sarah Draheim

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

"Wow, this book was simply amazing. Every piece of information found here is something I wish I'd known in junior high school, high school, or even college. And I wish my parents had known more about when I was even younger than all that. I finished the book with mixed reactions though. On the one hand, I feel completely validated, in a way I've never been able to grasp before, and I feel like there are definitely some simple things I can change about my life now that will help me become even better adjusted to daily existence." -Natalie

Catherine is a blogger, writer, and adorer of warm socks. By day, she works as a Communications Specialist and by night she blogs about her first love – books – at Hot Pepper Latte. You can follow her @cat_vendryes.

League of Extraordinary Young Women: Pauleanna Reid

Describe what you're working on and why it's important to you I’m a multi-business owner. But my proudest accomplishment to date is New Girl on the Block, a mentorship program for millennial women in transition. As a self-taught renaissance woman who has mastered the art of getting stuff done by attacking my goals with heart, hard work and by building healthy relationships, I started the mentorship program two years ago in collaboration with my business partner, Safia Bartholomew. Together, we’ve helped over 100 mentees in 6 countries take their distant dreams and turn them into noteworthy achievements.

When I’m not mentoring, I’m motivational speaking on a stage somewhere in the world, working on the film adaptation to my novel, Everything I Couldn’t Tell My Mother or ghostwriting for Fortune 500 CEOs, Professional Athletes or celebrity clients.

My work is important to me because I believe that you are never out of options. My story exemplifies what it means to gain control of one’s life through self-determination and blind faith. With the discouragement of the naysayers, I’ve learned to silence the noise of those around me so that I could hear my own voice louder. That voice always tells me to take risk and follow my dreams. This self-reliance is the motivation to focus on making sure that other people, especially young women, pursue the things that they love. I hope to teach them to believe in themselves despite their perceived flaws or negative situations.

How does your role empower you?

Regrettably, I made the decision to end my life during my second year of college. With the belief that it was impossible to bounce back from my misery or shut off the tiny voice inside my head, I often struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and then one day chose to honor them.

People may see my highlight reel on social media, but what makes me feel empowered is the journey to how I got here. I’m a woman who has fought for her dreams and won. After a full recovery, I made a promise to myself that I would set out on a mission to discover my purpose and wouldn’t give up until I tapped into exactly what it was.

There was a time when I didn’t know if I would ever make it through my struggles. People told me that I would never be successful. But I’ve been fortunate enough to have several amazing women show me that my past doesn’t have to define my future and my failures aren’t a measure of my potential.

What advice do you have to other young women looking to get involved in your field of work?

No matter the product or service you offer, you need to master the art of selling. Strive to turn your conversations into leads. One key success strategy is understanding people; their pain points, what inspires them and how you can create a unique experience from the moment they connect with you.

Who is your biggest role model, why?

I have amazing mentors in my circle who have all contributed to my success in some aspect or another. But as of right now, I have been spending enormous amounts of time watching talks conducted by Jeff Weiner, CEO at LinkedIn. LinkedIn has been such an incredible networking tool for me over the years and most recently I’ve been curious to study the leadership team. Jeff has taught me the importance of compassion as well as the significance of problem solving skills and getting shit done.

What book do you recommend every young professional should read?

I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This: Success Secrets Every Gutsy Girl Should Know by Kate White

If you could go back to your 16 year old self, what would you say? Chase dreams instead of chasing men.

Why do you think groups like YWiB are important?

I discovered your organization via LinkedIn. I think it’s extremely important to have groups such as this one so women know that they are not alone. Passion can take you anywhere all you have to do is focus on the next positive step. It’s much easier to take this step if you feel supported.

What can our readers do to help you? 

I enjoy using my platform to change lives. If you're interested in working with me, please feel free to reach out for a conversation at







Mogul Talk:

New Girl on the Block:

League of Extraordinary Young Women: Gianine Mapula

Ever heard of the saying “big things come in small packages”? Well, that pretty much sums up Gianine. She graduated as Valedictorian of her class from the University of Waterloo in 2015 with a major in Communications and minors in Psychology and Human Resources Management. Currently, she is finishing her certification in Social Media Marketing at George Brown College.

Gianine is an ambitious and self-driven young woman working her way through the world of ‘adult-ing’ as the Digital PR and Social Media Director of Kindred Culture, a Social Media Coordinator of a major Canadian financial institution, and as an entrepreneur. She has many years of experience in event planning, social media marketing, project management, and communications.

During her spare time, you will find her going on adventures, food trips, and dancing in the studio with her crew.

Describe what you're working on and why it's important to you?

I am currently working for the Digital Strategy team for one of Canada’s top 5 banks and Kindred Culture. My responsibility for both positions is to execute social media strategy and marketing operations. Outside of my main responsibilities, I also work on event planning, communications, and project management with Kindred Culture – which I enjoy.

At the bank, our team is working on several campaigns that will be launching soon. All I can say is that I am very excited for these and I cannot wait for it to start rolling out!

Kindred Culture is a dance organization that promotes art, education, and community. We do this by providing different dance programs and events, and supporting various charitable or non-profit organizations that align with our values. As the Director of Digital PR and Social Media, my team is working on expanding Kindred Culture’s visibility and presence in the community. We are continuously exploring new ways to reach different demographics and look for opportunities to collaborate with online magazines, news outlets, and other organizations. We are even considering print media to help with our goal of reaching out to new demographics.

Since a large chunk of our marketing and lead generation is currently done through social media, we are also working on tapping into our platforms’ analytics to better understand what our key performance indicators are and what strategies will offer us the greatest return on investment. Kindred Culture has many amazing upcoming initiatives that are launching soon such as our new Female Training Program (January 2017) and annual post-secondary competition The Academy: Urban Dance Competition (March 2017). I also have some personal projects I am working on that I’m hopefully launching soon so connect with me to stay tuned!

These projects are important to me as they provide me with learning opportunities and experiences that will help me advance in my field. They also allow me to pursue my passion in the arts and marketing. I feel a special feeling of fulfillment knowing that I’m able to use my talent and skills towards something greater than my own benefit through helping my community and contributing to the greater good.

How does your role empower you?

Having had the chance to experience working for a big corporation and a start-up, what I find most empowering is the opportunity to think outside of the box and implement innovative ideas every chance I get. I feel most empowered when I see my vision come to life and experience the impact it has on the organization or community first-hand. I can definitely say that some of these ideas have been very successful, while others needed improvement. But the journey of crafting an idea, putting it together, and connecting the dots make everything more rewarding.

What advice do you have to other young women looking to get involved in your field of work?

Believe in yourself: Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do because you are just as smart, talented, and skillful as the others. You just have to believe it and put it to action.

Build your portfolio: Don't wait until you're done University to start building your portfolio. Start as early as you can. It shows the drive and commitment you have for the industry you strive in and it also helps show potential employers and partners what you can really do.

Don't be afraid to put yourself out there: Don't be shy! If you want to apply to that job, do it. If you want to talk to that CEO, reach out. If you want to be involved, ask. What’s there to lose?

Who is your biggest role model, why?

I don’t have a role model - I think I only have people who motivate and inspire me.

My family motivates me to keep going in life no matter what obstacle I face. They’re very supportive of me and never fail to provide me with whatever it is I need to pursue my aspirations in life and be successful. The commitment and sacrifices my parents had to go through just to give me the best life I could possibly have drive me to never settle and always strive to become better.

A person who inspires me is my boyfriend. His work ethic, intelligence, perspective on the world, and the way he interacts with the people around him push me to be the best person I can be and to start believing in myself and my potential.

My family and boyfriend are big reasons I have been able to accomplish my goals. I thank them every day for guiding me to get to where I am today and for helping shape who I have become as a person. I take a lot of pride in the work that I do, not only because I do it for myself or the organizations I work for, but also for the people who mean the most to me.

What book do you recommend every young professional should read?

I’m not an avid reader but if I was to recommend a book to every young professional it would be, The Wealthy Barber Returns by David Chilton. It’s a book about financial planning, however, this book has no checklists, no charts, and barely any math. In this book, the author casually chats about the world of money and he provides his insights, tips, and tricks on how to manage finances more easily. It will give you a whole new perspective on how to think more wisely about your savings, spending, borrowing, and investment decisions, which i think is important for young professionals like myself.

If you could go back to your 16-year-old self, what would you say?

BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! It might not be obvious now but when I was in high school, I used to be really shy and because of it, I closed some doors for myself. Being a short and timid kid who immigrated here from the Philippines and was new to Canadian culture, I didn’t have the confidence to do what I needed to do to achieve what I imagined I was able to achieve. It wasn’t until my senior year of high school and my first year in University that I really started to break from my shell and build more confidence. In University, I joined many clubs and organizations - not just as a member, but also as an executive. I even won an award as a President of a club and was featured in our school’s student council website. I had four of the best years of my life in University and I wished that my 16-year-old self was able to experience that in high school as well.

Why do you think groups like YWiB are important?

Organizations like YWiB is important as it gives young women like myself a place where we could connect and empower each other to make a positive difference in the fields we're in and in the society as a whole. It's also a great platform for women to inspire each other and promote professional growth in a supportive environment.

What can our readers do to help you?

I'm always interested in meeting and chatting with new people. If you have a project in mind you think I can help you out with (social media, marketing, dance, communications, etc.) or you just want to chat, connect with me:

Twitter: @GianineRedInstagram: GianineRedSnapchat: red1217 YouTube: GianineRed

A Different Perspective on “the Art of Networking”

You have undoubtedly attended a networking event, and so you understand the significance of knowing how to introduce yourself. My initial plan before heading into my first networking event was to connect with people in my field. Given that the event was geared toward young professionals of any industry, that was likely everyone else’s goal too. I soon realized the repetitive trend of meeting someone whose name was immediately followed by a job title. That pause, a few minutes into a conversation, when you both realize you’re pursuing different industry roles, lacking that commonality. I made a friend that evening who warned me that “people are here to use you to their advantage.” That’s not untrue - you can sense that in the aforementioned pause. Everyone is searching for opportunities to further build their careers.

From that point, I decided not to be associated with a job title. I promoted myself as “new to the city.” I turned Toronto into the commonality between me and anyone I shook hands with. I learned that I was connecting more organically by discussing hobbies than by sharing - or comparing - professional backgrounds. I’ve actually met a few people at social events who refuse to answer the inevitable question: “what do you do?” It’s necessary to be passionate about both sides; however, try treating your day job, your dream job, or your side hustle as an afterthought. It will still come up naturally in conversation, however it just helps your meeting feel like less of a power struggle.

As we move into the holidays, remember the equal importance of knowing how to pitch others. You’re likely bringing a plus-one to a soiree, a significant other to your office’s year-end celebration or a friend to a Christmas party. In advance, take fifteen minutes to decide how you’re going to hype him or her for the introduction. Their confidence will increase instantly, paving the way for a more positive interaction. Accolades are impressive, but if you share what someone enjoys rather than what someone does, you may find that you’re not just making contacts - you’re making friends.

League of Extraordinary Young Women: Danica Oliva

Danica’s passion for film began while completing her degree at Western University for Film Theory in London, Ontario, and has now brought this passion to the online world of film making and media. She created content for social media platforms during her time at the Cannes International Film Festival 2015 and the Toronto International Film Festival 2015, which combined her passion for film and interest for the online world together. 

She is now a happy graduate from the Post Production, Post Graduate Program, at Humber College 2016.

Describe what you do, why it's important to you.

I am a freelance video editor, photographer and videographer. After completing my post graduate program in Post Production I have been very fortunate to have been involved in a variety of projects. I am so lucky to call my hobby my full time job now. It’s been the extremely rewarding because I get to practice my skill set in different forms of both production and post production. Being a freelancer is important to me because it enables me to have complete control over my career and take on many roles. Every week is different, I am always meeting new people, working for different projects and creating great content. I have been involved with music videos, commercials, weddings, social media creation, and producing.

How does your role empower you?

Being my own boss, creating my own schedule, and taking on projects that I’m passionate about have made me embrace being a freelancer, rather than fear it. I can’t say this lifestyle is for everyone, but it’s been the most fulfilling job I have ever had. There are jobs I never thought I would be a part of and other jobs I didn’t know existed. It’s a great way to try new roles while building a portfolio and skill set as an artist. More specifically, this role empowers me because I am constantly pushing myself to create a better skill set for myself. I am always learning new ways to prep a commercial, upgrade a camera or photoshop to perfection.

What advice do you have to other young women looking to get involved in your field of work?

The stigma of women in the post production world is a fine-line and can be a controversial conversation. I think it is important to mention that while teams I have been fortunate to work on have been male dominated, I do see women making a more prominent presence in post production as I learn more about the industry. I believe women and men have different outlooks on particular projects. Having a female editor is an advantage to many post production teams for this reason alone; a female perspective can be a great advantage.

With that said, ladies, be nerdy! Be as technically savvy as you possibly can. Although my industry requires creativity, none of that matters if you cannot execute your vision technically. For anyone wanting to get into post production, make the effort to learn the technical requirements to be an assistant, this will be another way to gain professional respect within this workplace. It is no secret that there is a stigma around being a female in post production, but don’t let that stop you or intimidate you from apply to those jobs you truly love.

Who is your biggest role model, why?

I’m always finding woman to look up to for inspiration for many different reasons. I have recently met peers in my workplace who are just soaring with experience and knowledge. Though I do have to mention Jane Goodall and Shannon Wild. It’s women like them that push me to travel more, doing what I love to do for organization I am passionate about.

If you could go back to your 16 year old self, what would you say?

Keep doing what you're doing. I would have been in high school at this time, a time where I made my most precious friends. Those friends I still call my best friends today. They were always supportive of my passions and were probably my first “muses” to photograph in my early photography days. Looking back I was always focused on creating something that was bigger than myself.

When I was 20 I decided to create myself into a brand and I this has kept me focussed on my passions. It all started with a blog to showcase my work. At that time it was the best way for me to develop my interests in photography; looking back it was probably the best decision I ever made. I knew what I liked to do but wasn’t sure how to make that hobby into a job, or if there even was a job for all the roles I enjoyed doing. My blog started as Olive Dee Photography, since then it has grown to Post Services and Videography. It’s a great space I am always returning to for personal projects and now, actual work.

Why do you think groups like YWiB are important?

Groups like YWiB are important because they bring conversation to the stigma surrounding issues of equality within the workplace for women. Equality is a grey-area in my industry, but the more conversations that are being had, the more awareness to issues that women face within post production are discussed. I do think there is a change in our culture towards women in post production. I’ve asked men in my industry if they see this inequality, and they definitely do, but they are aware and want to close the gap. That type of answer was refreshing.

What can our readers do to help you?

As a freelancer I am always meeting new people and would love to meet you. You can find my work and contact me through my website, Instagram @danicaoliva, or Facebook @OliveDeePhotography.

Featured Entertainment : Emma Elena Grace

We are just 4 days away from our Holiday Party at Henderson Brewery, taking place this Saturday December 10th from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM . It's going to be an unforgettable night celebrating the completion of our first year filled with good company, holiday cheer, Henderson Brewery beer and entertainment from local talent! Did you buy your tickets yet?! Hurry, before they sell out! Our second entertainment for the night is Emma Elena Grace. Twenty-two year old, Emma Elena Grace, is a folk singer and songwriter with an artistic, distinctive sound from Hamilton, Ontario. She grew up listening to traditional country music her father used to play to her, which influenced her to produce music. Emma Elena Grace released her debut album, This Side of the Room in August, 2015.

We had a chance to sit down with her and discuss her career and why she chose to get into the music industry. Check out our interview with her below:

Why did you decide to become a singer/songwriter?

I grew up in a musical family so I've been surrounded by music my whole life. I've always taken special interest in the singing and songwriting aspect of it, and I dabbled a bit in both growing up. It wasn't until I learned guitar at the age of 16 that I started to really write, and it naturally progressed from there.

Which song that you wrote is your favourite and why?

I have a song that I wrote called "Bricks Of Blue" where the writing process was unlike any of the others. This line popped into my head one night when I was trying to sleep, so I picked up my guitar and started playing, and the song flowed so easily it kind of wrote itself. This has never happened since, so I hold it pretty dear.

What is your favourite moment about the Holidays?

I love that everything is lit up with twinkle lights! I think they should stay up year-round. Also, I love the food!

Do you have any advice of young women who are aspiring to become a singer/songwriter?

My advice would be to write and perform as often as you can to develop yourself. Go after it without hesitation. The Music Industry Arts program at Fanshawe College is definitely worth checking out. It's a wonderful place to grow and I wouldn't be where I am without the help from people I met in that program.

Check out Emma Grace on Facebook, Twitter & YouTube! We can't wait to see her perform Saturday!

Celebrate Our One Year This Saturday!

Join Young Women in Business Toronto in Celebrating the Success of our First Year! 365 Days, 9 Events and Over 150 Members

For Immediate Release December 5, 2016

Toronto, ON - Vancouver based non-profit organization, Young Women in Business, opened it’s Toronto chapter this year. Four young professional women, Miranda McKie, Victoria Stacey, Olivia Kitevski and Laura Downing, started the Toronto chapter because they felt there was a lack of support, network and resources available to young women to thrive in their professional career and personal lives.

Join us in wrapping up the success of our first year, the friends we’ve made and partners we’ve worked with at our Holiday at Henderson’s Party, Saturday December 10th at Henderson Brewery from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. We are also collecting donations for The Shoebox Project, which distributes gifts to women who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness in communities across Canada. Young Women in Business Toronto (YWiB TO) would like to celebrate some of our biggest partners who have partnered with us in the different events we’ve hosted this year: Tangerine, Oracle, RL Solutions, Camp Tech, Wave, Workplace One and Rock-it Promotions among others!

Get your tickets and celebrate a year of reflection, good friends and holiday cheer with us!


About Young Women in Business Toronto

Young Women in Business Toronto (YWiB TO) is a non-profit organization connecting ambitious, like-minded women across educational fields, careers and industries. Our events provide leadership skills, and networking opportunities that allow women to achieve success, reach their full potential and be engaged with members in their communities.

If you have any media inquiries or would like to schedule an interview with the YWiB TO Founders, please contact Nathalie Sehgal, If you have any sponsorship inquiries, would like to be a vendor, or entertainment for this event, please contact