From Side Hustle to Full Hustle: Paloma Lev

We're hosting an entrepreneur panel discussion!

Meet Paloma, our speaker. 

Click here for registration details. 


She is anything but ordinary, turning "no" into "yes" faster than you can say "Chutzpah". Paloma Lev is the leader of the Badass Communicators club, passionately teaching talented people to get out of their own way by teaching confidence, selling, pitch and copy. She has a way with words that puts Shakespeare to shame; with a master of English from the University of Toronto and 6+ years of coaching, we can say she is a master of her craft.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I’m the kinda person who cares deeply about freedom. I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was 19. It was tough for me to learn to read as a kid. Or sit still. I was bursting with ideas. Still am, except now peeps pay me for it. I was actually a shy kid if you can believe it. But my mama is a brave as hell, inspiring Marketing Expert, Speaker and Award-Winning Author. I grew up being mentored by her. We shared our intense love of all things marketing and entrepreneurship. Plus she’s funny as hell so audacity was welcomed. Also, I’m her favourite daughter, so… 

What is a character trait that you believe is important to have as an entrepreneur? Are you born with it or can you learn it?

The willingness to do scary things. And the safety in yourself to do it. You are free to screw up. You are free to move towards success clumsily. You are free to be confused. You are free to be a work in progress. Invest in yourself. Learn the arts of core confidence, resilience and the chutzpah. Confidence IS a skill you can learn. I teach talented peeps to sell themselves. 'Cause I'm tired of seeing them sell themselves short. They deserve better. The world needs their gifts. Start imperfect. Don’t do the busywork; do the vulnerable work. They will forgive you for improving.

When you look back at your career, what stands out to you as being the biggest lesson you learned about entrepreneurship?

The biggest rewards happen RIGHT after the biggest risks. You CAN’T play it safe. Get comfortable doing uncomfortable stuff. Pitching, connecting, selling can all feel uncomfortable at first. Too bad. Feel the fear and do it anyway. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. When you’re presented with an opportunity to be brave, and you’re deciding YES or NO, THAT’S when you decide who you’re becoming. You HAVE to be who you are, be honest as hell, share yourself with your audience. It’s important to ask for help. It helps if you have red hair and you’re a Scorpio. 

Written by: Gicela Holguin