Arnold Flowers from Oracle Talks Sponsorship, S.T.E.M. and Advice for Young Professionals

Oracle Canada is our sponsor for the Photoshop 101 workshop, and we could not run it without them! We interviewed Arnold Flowers, Director, Account Manager and a representative from Oracle who supports YWiB to find out more about Canada's biggest cloud services provider.

Tell us a bit about Oracle Canada and your role there. How many business lines are you involved with?

My role within Oracle is in its Marketing Cloud division (better known as #TEAMOMC). I lead a Results-Oriented Sales Team of Exemplary "Guidevocates" whose primary purpose is to 'Earn Lifelong Customers By Orchestrating their Marketing Transformation'. Additionally, I am the Community Leader for the Canadian Chapter of the Oracle African-American Business Leaders for Excellence (ABLE) Diversity Group.

Why do you think learning how to use computer programs like Photoshop is important?

It is imperative that we ensure that there is inclusionary access to the S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering and math) disciplines for everyone. This is the only way we will ensure that we are not only attracting the best and the brightest talent, but also creating an environment where they can thrive.

We’re very thankful to have you as a sponsor, especially being such a big name in the tech world! How did you come to hear about Young Women in Business and what made you decide to sponsor us?

Chelsea Harding, who is not only a member of your Toronto Chapter, but is also an Account Manager on my Sales Team initially approached me about the sponsorship. This was an excellent opportunity for us to do our part in enacting Oracle’s Global S.T.E.M. initiative on a local level.

If you could give any piece of advice to a younger you starting out in the business world, what would it be?

Develop your narrative. Ensure that your goals (short term and long term) feed into that narrative. Use your success milestones to continuously evolve that narrative.

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