Top 10 Resources for Women in Business

Following International Women’s Month and to kick off our 2022 community, we want to share some resources that may be helpful to you as a woman in business in Toronto, whether you’re just starting your career, or a few years in. We picked these resources based on our personal experiences as women in business in the modern world. 

Here are our top 10 picks: 

  1. Looking to get a better handle on your finances? The Latte Factor by David Bach is a really great book that breaks down the concepts of budgeting, saving, and compound interest in super simple terms. This is a quick read to get you thinking about your finances. 

  2. Are you struggling to define or communicate your purpose clearly? Simon Sinek guides you through how to do this easily and effectively in his book Start With Why. You will be left feeling inspired and ready to snap into action after reading this book! 

  3. Do you like to listen to podcasts? If so, you can’t miss Jay Shetty’s On Purpose podcast. Although this is a health and wellbeing podcast, he speaks about communicating with others, stress, burnout, etc. - all things that are relatable to our everyday lives at work. 

  4. Need some daily inspiration and pick-me-ups? Head to Boss Babe’s Instagram profile and give them a follow - they have inspirational and relatable content as a woman in business.

  5. Head to Forbes Women website to read blog posts that will keep you up to date on what's happening in the world of women, business, sports and much more. 

  6. Have you dove into the power of journaling yet? If not, check out the Bullet Journal. This journal will help you get organized, mindful, and de-cluttered. 

  7. Check out Arlene Dickenson’s company VenturePark - a business growth ecosystem, supporting Canadian businesses. Arlene is a great person to follow on social media too, as one of the most famous women in business in Canada. 

  8. Subscribe to The Bullet, a daily newsletter that keeps you up to date on the most important news, written by women in Canada. (They are currently revamping their brand, but in the meantime you can subscribe to the Skimm, which is the same concept, but based in the States). 

  9. Another great podcast for female entrepreneurs is Being Boss with Emily Thompson. She talks about everything from how to set boundaries with clients, to how to hire employees, to social media trends, and more. 

  10.  If you are interested in social issues and development, stay up to date with the UN Women. They publish informative blog posts and articles about how war, famine, poverty and other global issues disproportionately affect women, and what you can do about it. 

Those are our top 10 picks for resources as a woman in business this month! Stay tuned for more resources and more exciting news from YWiB coming your way soon… 

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