Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Written by: Karmyn Kay

Most of us have had a point in our lives that we look back on and think “Yeah, I was doing some great things back then”, and we would just love to be back at that point in time. Self-improvement comes in many forms, and the most important thing is that you spend time doing things that you feel are important or make you happy. With a little bit of effort each day, we have the ability to become who we aspire to be. Here are a few tips to become the best version of yourself:

1. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way

Life is full of opportunities in every aspect of life. Many of us don’t take advantage of these because we are either scared or lazy. However, there can be considerable growth that comes from different opportunities. As a university student, there are many things you can take part in, like joining a campus club, attending events hosted by campus clubs, or taking part in an information night hosted by a corporation! There are often professionals at these info nights, and you may make a connection that could land you a job one day! Personally, I have been increasingly taking part in opportunities on campus throughout my first two years of school at Edwards. In my first year, even things as little as reaching out to a professor for help seemed daunting to me, let alone trying to promote myself to a business professional! By taking little steps, like attending an event or joining a campus club, you will build up the courage to try more and more new things! I love being able to tell people about the extra activities that I have taken part in, and it’s a great feeling to receive the appreciation and recognition once it’s done!

2. Find something that you love to do

Discovering a hobby that you are passionate about is something that I think everyone should strive to do. Being productive outside work hours, while also doing something you enjoy can be extremely valuable to your overall health. If you know of something you are passionate about, be sure to set some time aside each week for it. If you are unsure of what you could spend your time doing, try out some new hobbies such as painting, cooking, playing an instrument, or taking up a new sport. Having something to do to get your mind off the stressors in your life can also be quite therapeutic. For me, cooking is often the part of the day that I look forward to the most. Being able to get creative in the kitchen is great because it can serve as a study break, and I even get to enjoy a great meal when I am done! I love it because I can always try something new, and it’s never a waste of time because I know that I have to eat every day anyways. I have found that doing something I enjoy each day can lower my stress and even improve concentration when I get back to work!

3. Push yourself to be good at what you do

As a university student, it is sometimes tempting to just do the bare minimum in your classes. The main reason we are all here is for a degree, which comes with a lot of stress. And after all, C’s get degrees, right? However, I feel that if you are pouring four years of your life and a huge amount of money and stress, you might as well get the most out of it. The things we learn in our degrees will be used in our careers, and we will be more successful if we actually spend our university years trying to learn something. We also get recognition for it, employers like to see applicants with a strong GPA, and it also opens up opportunities for scholarships. This isn’t only applicable to school. It can also include your job, hobbies, extra-curriculars, and whatever else you do!

4. Keep an open mind and listen to what those around you have to say

Keeping an open mind can really broaden your perspectives on life. Everyone has their own experiences and beliefs, so listening to what those around you have to say can help you have a stronger understanding of yourself, and to take on a whole new idea of the kind of person you want to be. Additionally, taking on the different perspectives of those around you can enhance your critical thinking skills, which a strong asset when it comes to academics. Listening to what your friends are saying will also show them that you respect and care about what they have to say, which builds strong trust in a relationship.

5. Be a kind person

This one has always been and will always be important! You never know what kind of challenges a person has faced that day. Kindness is something that people will remember about you and is appreciated. Additionally, it is often paid back, which can make you feel really amazing.

6. Make sure to acknowledge your achievements

Creating rewards and discipline for yourself, big and small creates a drive within yourself. You should start your day by thinking of the goals you want to achieve, and a corresponding reward for yourself. If you don’t meet that specific goal, you don’t get the reward. You can think of something as little as a glass of wine or meeting up with a friend as your reward for the day. And make sure to practice strong discipline with yourself so that you’re able to get that motivation you need to see a change in yourself.

It’s really all about learning, exposing yourself to new things, and getting the most out of what you have. Just like setting any other goal, it takes a lot of dedication. You can’t just wait for the best version of yourself to come out, because you’ll be waiting forever. Think about the kind of person you want to be and the steps that you’ll need to get there.