How to Stay Stress Free in University

1. Don’t Worry About the Little Things

Don’t get caught up on the little details of life. Sometimes life becomes a little complicated and you might not be able to do the things you want to do. If you can’t always go out with your friends, don’t let it get to you. There will always be another time where life will be easier, and you can have more freedom to do the things you like. Know that there will always be time to relax and enjoy doing what you like.

2. Take Time for Yourself

Always be sure to relax and take time for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in homework or textbook readings. However, do something just for you that you can solely enjoy and escape in. Whether it be reading for half an hour or doing a facemask, it’s important to take care of your mental wellbeing.

3. Learn Good Time Management

Having good time management skills in essential in university. Make a list of your assignments and when they are due. Create a schedule to allot time for each assignment. Do whatever you need to do in order to stay on top of things and not leave them until the last minute. This helps relieve a lot of built up stress. 

4. Do Things in Your Own Time

Don’t be too concerned about taking the maximum number of courses in a semester. It is completely okay if five classes is too overwhelming. If you need to, take four classes per semester. It is okay to graduate in five, six, or however many years you need. Take your time, don’t be worried about completing your degree in the ‘standard’ number of years. Remember, it’s better to take your time and do well in four classes, than to do mediocre in five.

5. Everything Happens for a Reason

If something doesn’t work out the way you want to, don’t overthink it. Everything happens for a reason. If it doesn’t work out, then it was there to teach you and guide you to your next journey in life. Remember to keep on keeping on and you’ll make it through university just fine.

Written by Taylor Anhorn, Communications Coordinator