Podcasts made by women, for women

Written by: Mirjam Kielstra

Podcasts are a great way of finding entertainment, motivation or learning new things. They offer the listener content without making them sit down and watch an hour-long video, you can listen to them on the go, while running errands or even when your studying.

During the past few months I’ve been able to listen to a many different podcasts, each are unique and discuss a variety of topics. I’ll admit I haven’t been able to listen to all the episodes from every podcast; however, I’ve listed recommended episodes to start your journey through the podcasts. Whether you need motivation, inspiration, entertainment, or tips when moving forward in your career these podcasts are for you.

Goal Digger

Goal Digger is a podcast that focuses on creating your own brand, both as a person and for your business. Jenna Kutcher talks about various topics within business such as marketing, selling and gaining an audience for your online platforms. She brings on guests that share their personal experiences and give advice on how you too can expand your horizons in the entrepreneurial world.

Not only will this podcast inspire and motivate you, it will give you the steps needed to actually achieve your goals. With episodes ranging from twenty minutes to an hour-long Goal Digger is a podcast that you can listen to at any time in your day. Whether you are doing a quick errand or going for a long car ride there is an episode for everyone.

Recommended Episodes:

Episode 40: Understanding Your Why. This episode features a guest Katie Selvidge as she talks about her experiences that built her career. She talks about what it means to lose dreams and find new ones to peruse. How finding the why in your work and life can push you to create a business that you are truly proud of.

Episode 366: 11 Ways to See Life and Solve Problems Like an Entrepreneur. No one is born an entrepreneur, people become one over time by growing into the role. This episode gives tips on how to change your mind set into thinking and acting like an entrepreneur.


This podcast is for ambitious businesswomen who strive to be the best entrepreneurs they can be. Danielle Canty and Natalie Ellis have both been through the ups and downs of owning their own businesses. They created BossBabe for driven women wanting to connect with other women to build a community of female entrepreneurs. Now with the addition of the podcast they talk about the behind the scenes of running your own business. Everything from the freedom of being your own boss to the stress no one talks about.

Recommended Episodes:

Episode 4: How to Go from Low Confidence and Introverted to Fully Booked and Featured in Global PR with Selena Soo. This episode features Selena Soo as she speaks about her past struggle with low-self-esteem, depression and how she flipped her life around by joining a women’s life group that helped her plant the seeds for her business. She Talks about being introverted and how she overcame that by going outside of her comfort zone to achieve her goals.

Episode 48: 3 Tools to Overcome Limiting Beliefs, How Authentic Networking increases your Income, and Being an Opportunity Magnet with Super Connector Darrah Burstein. This jam-packed episode is filled with various tips that will help you with your career throughout your life. She talks about creating authentic connections can help you to grow your own business. Shares advice on overcoming self-critical thoughts to take action and small steps to allow yourself the chance to receive opportunities and valuable relationships.

Rise Podcast

Racheal Hollis is the New York bestselling author that brought you Girl Wash Your Face and she is back in this ultimate podcast made for everyone. Rise Podcast explores topics within business, media and lifestyle as well as hitting the deeper topics about health and self-love.

The Rise podcast features guests that bring you candid interviews on all topics. She shares her life experiences, both the good and bad in hopes of helping you see you aren’t alone in your endeavours. By sharing her stories, she gives advice on how she overcame her own ventures and offers tips on how you too can conquer yours.

Recommended Episodes:

Episode 62: Jasmine Star – Having the Audacity to Dream. On this episode guest Jasmine Star, a wedding photographer and business strategist, talks about how you can achieve your dreams. She offers her biggest tip of reverse engineering who you want to become, by having a clear image of what you want to be, you can then figure out the steps needed to get there.

Episode 72: This Daily Practice Changed My Life and My Business. Throughout this episode Rachel shares one of her best habits that helped her keep her goals and priorities in focus. Specifically, she talks about her morning routine and the habit of writing your goals down as if they have already happened.

UnF*ck Your Brain

With this podcast, Kara Loewentheil brings you a fresh new perspective on life’s struggles. Tackling topics such as anxiety, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome. She speaks to every woman about overcoming social conditioning and facing your own self-critical thoughts.

Most episodes are made as standalone so listeners can hop in and choose which episodes they want to listen to at a certain time. If you need more motivation or are feeling more self-critical than usually just find an episode that speaks to you and listen.

Recommended episodes:

Episode 6: How to Get Sh*t Done. With the current learning format, I thought this episode would be a great place to start your listen. Especially since the episode is about getting more things done in a certain amount of time with less anxiety and stress. She offers a new way to organize your day and prioritize certain tasks over others so that your productivity stays high.

Episode 140: Selling Yourself on Your Thoughts. During this episode Kara talks about not always believing in your ability to achieve your goals and how we can counter those negative thoughts. It’s inevitable not to have dumps along the way, but we shouldn’t let them get in the way of the bigger picture.

The Papaya Podcast

The Papaya Podcast is filled with relatable, insightful, empowering content that will leave you feeling motivated and confident. Sarah Nicole shares personal experiences to help you gain confidence with your personal life and career. The Papaya Podcast features guests that give their raw and honest opinions that will help you to be unapologetically yourself.

Episodes come out weekly and with the many varieties in topics each listener is able to sort through the episodes to pick a desired subject to listen to.

Recommended Episodes:

Episode 14: The One About Focusing on Yourself. Featured guest Chelsea Charlotte talks about finding yourself and focusing on your own development especially during the rough patches of your life. She talks about her own experiences of being a young mom and still being able to become a registered nurse and a body confidence advocate online.

Episode: The One Where We Own Our Anxiety with Julian Brass. The International Best-Selling author of Own Your Anxiety, Julian Brass, talks about not only managing but conquering your anxiety. They talk about changing your mindset which will leave you feeling inspired and motivated.