SEO Learnings from SMARTT's CEO, Martin Wong

If you’re not measuring, you’re not marketing.

Recently Young Women in Business’ Vancouver chapter had the opportunity to offer a class on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google Analytics, both vital tools when it comes to building and measuring web traffic. YWiB, together with Martin Wong, CEO of SMARTT, a digital consultant agency, held a sold-out workshop for the benefit of over 40 keen digital marketers. The class provided an in-depth overview of how SEO applies to web searches and how Google Analytics can be used for a clearer marketing picture.

The 20/20/60 Approach to SEO

Mr. Wong covered the details of how Google’s search engine ranks sites, including geographical factors, user reviews, mobile searches, and citations in other posted texts, such as news articles. He also explained the 20/20/60 approach to SEO – 20% site structure, including page speed and how your homepage links; 20% page optimization, including creating a web address with solid tag words in it; and 60% social proof, which means Making your content involved, inviting readers to your page and inspiring them to share your site, thereby extending the reach of your page. All of this is to achieve the end goal -- increasing your online conversion rates (the percentage of people who visit your site and consequently complete a purchase or other desired action).

Knowing how the flow of data is managed could mean the difference between your site booming or being lost in pages of search hits.

Analytics-Informed Strategies Means More Conversions

Recently business has learned that online conversion rates – the percentage of people who visit your site and consequently complete a purchase on it – can be the key to surviving and thriving. Analytics allow a business to compose a strategy to draw in customers based on the invaluable information provided. Where customers live, how often they visit your site, the average they spend, what pages cause them to abandon their shopping cart, only a marketer who knows how to use the data provided, and understands how to give that information context, can make an effective and reliable strategy for their company.

Interpreting the data efficiently involves segmenting it so the most useful aspects are available for reports. Controlling what data gets taken from your site for the Analytics, setting up your own segmentation, and brand searches linked to specific sites will help you tame the flood of information provided in order to refine the focus of your online presence. Breaking sales down into parts allows you to track your customer’s actions every step of their way and improve the process. Split testing two copies of your site to determine what changes your customers or audience prefer can cut losses from unpopular site changes.

Navigating the analyses and algorithms of the net gives you a valuable tool in refining your company’s online presence and gearing your site to draw in customers and interested readers, sharing your content across social media, links and searches. And thanks to YWiB and SMARTT, our workshop attendees have a head start.

Thanks again to SMARTT and Martin Wong for their participation in the workshop!

Don’t miss the next incredible opportunity for hands-on learning and skill development

YWiB Vancouver's

Beyond Pink Leadership Conference

November 14th and 15th

Providing interactive discussions with BC’s top leaders, keynote speeches, and intimate workshops, our conference is an excellent opportunity for you to meet a large number of young women starting their business careers, like you, and to renew your passion for your professional and personal aspirations. Grab tickets today!

Post written by Tiffany Fox.

Tiffany Pomegranate Fox is a writer with more than ten years’ experience. She’s done websites, event and business promotions, product descriptions, social writing, and is a proofreader and editor. She has a blog where she explores the things that interest her about writing while she refines her craft in the process.