Re-Building Motivation

The past 6 months have removed us from the norm and had us facing challenges and disruptions that could not be predicted. In one way or another, we may be feeling unmotivated, unproductive, stuck or lack creativity moving forward into the new school year or Fall.

Below are some top tips to pull ourselves out of a slump when feeling stuck or lacking momentum.

1.      Take a walk/exercise
Endorphins are important to get the creative juices flowing. Try to make time daily to move your body. Even a simple walk can help clear your mind and focus on what needs to be done. Try to be present and mindful during your walk or run. Allow your mind the space to wander so that it is able to focus on tasks most required. I try to get out first thing in the morning so I can focus straight away and get all the tricky tasks out of the way.

2.     Listen to a podcast or audio book
Audio-books or podcast’s can help you hear about other peoples successes and motivation’s and in turn can help inspire you. It’s easy to listen to a podcast or audio-book whilst running errands, on a walk or doing chores. It’s an easy medium to tune into when you need a push or some positive reinforcement. 

3.     Vitamin D
Sunshine is vital for mental health. It’s easier to get your daily dose during summer, but as we approach darker evenings and colder weather, try to get outside or stand in the sun for 5 minutes. Even making time for this little reset will refocus you and help set your brain to the task at hand.

4.     Rest & Recharge
If you have zero motivation, sometimes the best thing to do is unplug and allow your mind to recharge. If you find yourself staring at a task and not getting anywhere, step back. Have a nap, read a chapter or your book, have a bar of chocolate. Let your mind switch off and do what it needs to do before re-focusing.

5.     Celebrate the small stuff
If a task is too large or overwhelming, try dividing it into smaller steps and celebrate the little wins. Every piece of progress is just that, progress. Small accomplishments will give you the push to finish and overcome the more daunting obstacles. It’s not all or nothing, every step counts.

6.     Take a local break
Taking a normal vacation and time away from work and responsibly is not possible right now. But you can still take a local vacation, whether that be a stay-cation, day trip or even just a booking a mid-week day off work. Carving out space to rest and creating a change of scenery is crucial to creativity and productivity.

7.     Take a vacation from technology
You don’t even need to leave the house to take a vacation! Try disconnecting from social media, emails and work for even a few hours. Re-connect with nature, books, home cooking, whatever it may be. Give your mind (and your eyes) some overdue screen free time.

8.     Try a new hobby
Learning something new can do wonders for your mindset and creativity. It can be a sport in a group setting, meditation from a YouTube video, even an online course on something your interested in. Focusing on something new, meeting new people or reading something thought-provoking can tap into your creative stream and re-build your motivation.

What have do you find helps motivate you when you are feeling uninspired or unmotivated? Share your tips with us!

Motivation by Ylanite.jpg

Blog post by Martha Fallon
Martha is a Social Media Coordinator for YWiB Vancouver. Martha hails from Ireland and is a keen traveler who enjoys exploring the vast landscapes of Canada.