announcing another opportunity to join our team!

YWiB would like to invite you to join our Board of Directors! We're looking for a great fit for our team to take on the role of Director of Finance. Click here to view the job description.

*terms are one year from start date, all positions are voluntary

a complete application includes:

  • your resume.
  • a cover letter.  please clearly states the position you are interested in.  this should also outline your motivation to join the YWiB team, relevant experience to the position you are applying for and the contributions you plan to make to young women in Vancouver.
  • filling out this my story template for us to learn more about you.

due date applications are due by October 23rd at 11:59pm - and should be emailed to with the subject field “YWiB Position Application – Position Name Here”.

The following positions are open until October 11th: