YWiB Helps PWN Celebrate 15 Years!
September 29th marked the 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Professional Women’s Network (PWN). Founded and chaired by YWiB Advisor, Michelle Pockey (whom we love!), YWiB was extremely excited to volunteer at the event and support these amazing women who have supported us!
The celebration honoured both women and men who have made, and continue to make, a significant contribution to the advancement of women in the professional workplace. The list included many familiar faces such as YWiB Advisors Frieda Granot and Bob Elton, Beyond Pink speakers Judy Thomson and Gayle Hallgren-Rezac, and the most familiar faces of all, YWiB President Paulina Lipska and Vice-President Jennifer Sung. (full list)
The theme of the evening was to recall the past and celebrate the future of professional women. The keynote address (and the highlight of our evening!) was given by Anne Lippert (President, Consulting and Advisory Services) and our very own Paulina and Jen!
Anne shared stories of her experiences in starting out in the working world. The proverbial glass ceiling was very much a reality in her time. After being told countless times that ‘women were not management material’, Anne fought to be recognized as an equal and was one of the first women in BC to participate in a trial program at RBC to train women managers. She provided incredible perspective on how much change has occurred.
Paulina and Jen followed with exciting stories of young women who are following their passions and pioneering new paths. The stories were of friends seeking opportunities for exploration, for making and impact, and for starting something new. Using a metaphor of ‘crayons’, Paulina and Jen explained that the options for professional women have grown from a ‘small pack of 12 colors’ to over 120 in the box. Their ‘call to action’ for all women present was to ask and invite young women to sit at the table. Exposing young women to all the crayons will help them find their favourite color, and to continue to add more crayon colors to the box.
A big hug and heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS to Michelle and PWN! And an even bigger THANK YOU to all the women and men who were honoured for their contributions to helping us all to keep on growing, exploring and excelling.
click for feature article in BC Business