In the mind of ... jen sung

One of YWiB’s fundamental pillars is that of networking. There are two key components to this: Firstly, “pillars” according to YWiB refer to the essential bases of information and skills that we provide to our members. Our statement is “… to connect young women with the knowledge and support to achieve success on their own terms and to become engaged members of the community”. The pillars of YWiB are the encompassing activities our organization carries out to further this statement.

Secondly, YWiB firmly believes in organic networking (similar to our stance on organic mentorship) - encouraging people to meet and get to know one another on their own terms. Our organization understands the intimidating and often misleading connotations of the word “networking”. At the same time, we appreciate the substantial value that underlies the spirit of this word and seek to develop this indispensable skill within our members – in a unique way. We do this by holding events that create the right environment for our members to positively interact with each other and share each others’ stories, the true goal of networking. The small aspects of our events that we tailor to our members are something we affectionately refer to as the “YWiB factor” and truly make a significant difference.

We cordially invite you to attend our future events and experience this “YWiB factor” for yourself.

Take care, Jen Sung