How Design Can Have an Impact - Iveta Lekesova


Design. The art form that brings communication and expression together; meet Iveta, a Vancouver based Graphic Designer and Web Designer that uses her extensive creative background to bring these two elements together.

For our YWiB Community members that are not familiar with you or your ventures, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your career?

My name is Iveta Lekesova, (originally from Czech Republic), I am a Vancouver based Graphic Designer with over seven years of experience working in-house and independently as a freelancer. My creative background includes a Masters Degree in Marketing from the Silesian University in Czech Republic, and a Graphic Design Certificate from the Emily Carr University of Arts + Design in Vancouver. I have honed my design and marketing skills with the Diving Locker, a Vancouver based scuba diving center and since launching my freelancing studio, I have been designing for Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival (VIMFF), Vancouver Biennale, She Summits Festival, Barnacle Babes Magazine, and other local (mostly non-profit) brands.

In navigating being both a freelancer and working in-house, what are some of the biggest challenges you experienced when you first entered the industry? Are there any insights you can share with our community for those also looking for a career in design?

I absolutely love running my own design studio, it gives me freedom and motivates me to constantly learn and evolve. For me, the biggest challenges were:

● Self-discipline - manage time wisely

TIP: Software tracking time, managing projects, and planning tasks help a lot!

● The lack of brainstorming - I missed my colleagues and the teamwork

TIP: working from shared workspaces and be part of creative communities

● Knowing what works best - freelancing is a good way to learn about yourself

TIP: Create a routine that works best for you. (Morning Qigong is the best way to start the day for me)

● Always working - when I first started I didn’t know when to stop.

TIP: Set up a work schedule in advance and don't forget to include off-time and time for fun and yourself!

● Know your price - the value you set on your services shows how much you value yourself

TIP: Do your research, talk to other professionals and create a price list

● Set time for business - your studio needs constant care

TIP: As a CEO of your business, focus on the growth (master paperwork, update portfolio, learn new tools, creative education, SEO,....)

● Getting new customers - don’t be shy to share your artwork with your community.

TIP: Word of mouth works the best

Pro Tip: My personal tip for working from home: get dressed up for work, it makes a big difference

Given the current environment brought on by COVID-19, what steps have you needed to take in order to evolve yourself and your career during these challenging times? Are there any changes that you have needed to make that you wish you had sooner?

In spring I lost all my projects due to COVID and was grateful for the government support through CERB. Eventually, my clients adapted to the different environments and we continued to work on creative projects. I was already used to working from home, it wasn’t a challenge for me. I realized most of my projects were connected to life events and therefore were canceled.

Pro Tip: Find a way to diversify your income and your services!

As an organization that operates on a national scale, we have chapters and members that are working their way through university and post-secondary programs. Are there any key pieces of advice that you would give an individual in this position ready to graduate and enter the “real world”?

I highly recommend getting some experience in the creative business first, then start freelancing on the side and eventually transition to self-employment. It will allow you to understand better how to run a business, learn from skilled professionals and start your own side project without pressure. Finding the intersection between your passion, your skills, talent, and the niche will help you set the direction for your future focus. And most importantly, believe in yourself, there is room for you on the market!

Learn more and connect with Iveta Lekesova - Website -

Iveta Lekesova is a talented local designer that works across mediums to provide a space for businesses and individuals to come to for all of their design needs; from web design, print, and more!

Click here to visit Iveta and explore her different projects and how she can work with you on what’s next!