The End of an Era: Insights from Jasmine, Our Co-President

Our YWiB Vancouver community and team are made up of a diverse group of female professionals that all joined YWiB Vancouver for a different reason. As both our Co-president, Jasmine, and the YWiB Vancouver team start a new chapter, join us in learning about the other half of our fearless Co-president duo, Jasmine! 


For our community members that don’t already know, what is your name? 

I am Jasmine Maini, and I’m thrilled you’ve found your way here!

What roles have you had in your time with YWiB Vancouver? 

My journey with YWiB Vancouver has spanned over 5 years, I started out as a social media coordinator defining the voice and ethos of our chapter. From there on I moved into the VP, Marketing role, and now as the outgoing Co-President of this incredible non-profit.

What are you up to outside of YWiB? 

My day job is focused on creating a strong foundation for future technological growth by enabling digital connectivity for residences and small businesses within TELUS’s Fibre optic infrastructure program. As a Senior Project Manager, I work alongside really cool folks who are leading the way to 5G within Western Canada.

As an individual who is fueled by creativity, I revel in whipping up novel recipes, dabbling in calligraphy, most recently haikus have been my new favorite thing. I’ve been an avid runner for years now and believe spending time in nature is the sole cure for anything and everything!

What made you interested in volunteering with YWiB Vancouver? 

Since the start of my career, I’ve unfailingly been in male-dominated industries and jobs. Even though I felt fortunate to have experienced growth and fulfillment throughout my career, I realized I was never surrounded by women who took the extra effort of “lifting one another”.

There came a moment when I decided to not wait any longer to find such women, rather strive to become one. That served as an impetus to seek out YWiB Vancouver. This organization provides us the opportunity to show up for one another, cultivate meaningful mentorships, and in the end build a community that elevates our true potential.

What is one of your biggest takeaways from your time with YWiB Vancouver? 

It is the tremendous power of building connections. Over the last few years YWiB Vancouver has boasted a de facto motto of “Community and Connections”; and in any action we take we strive to exemplify the culture of being open, transparent, and welcoming to the world around. As a part of the chapter, we inadvertently are the ambassadors who further this change, and I personally, have gained so much perspective, insight, and value from adopting this philosophy. As the new Co-Presidents are ushered in, I know I leave behind a family I can always return to!

What is your favorite memory from your time with YWiB?

If I had to pick one (which is extremely hard), it’d have to be my first retreat with the girls, Whistler 2016. We were in the most beautiful chateau, all spread across the room, immersed in a boisterous revelry. And, there was this one moment where I realized I could be in any corner of the room, in any conversation and it would be just as wonderful. It was almost surreal, that all 25+ women in the room believed in the same fundamental philosophy – to build and support instead of competing. And of course, it was so much fun at the same time, who can complain when there is good food, wine, intellect and humor?

Jasmine has spent the last half a decade working with the team and community at YWiB Vancouver and has offered her expertise as well as picked up a few insights along the way. Join us on our next blog post for the shared insights of both our outgoing Co-Presidents, Jasmine and Valentine!