Through the Lens: Meet Lindsay Elliott

Lindsay Elliott is a talented photographer located in Vancouver, BC. We’re so happy to have her as a sponsor for this year’s Side Hustle Bootcamp. We caught up with Lindsay to hear more about her photography style, tips for photoshoots, and advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs.

1. What types of photos do you shoot? Can you tell us a little bit about your style?

I work as a Commercial, Portrait and Editorial photographer, but I mostly just love to document people.  My photos want to feel informal and they want to be anchored in real life. I like a sense of humour or something a little odd and I want to see people and places like they’re being viewed through the eyes of a friend. My clients are wide ranging, but they all share my passion for inclusion, great customer experience and lightheartedness. I find my clients are attracted to my work because I love colour and candid moments and don't spend too much time posing subjects or being too 'serious' about my work. It should feel fun! I also find a lot of joy in crafting images from inspiration brought to me by a team and not only working solo, ideally my clients come to me with inspiration and ideas as well.  When I’m not photographing work for clients, I really enjoy shooting landscapes in far away places and documenting my friend's lives.  

Do you have any tips on how to set up/prepare for a personal brand photoshoot? (ie. any props to include)

Each shoot is tailored to the person and business I'm working with. When I have a new client we speak in length about inspiration, what we're capturing, who their client is and then all the smaller details like wardrobe, hair & makeup, etc. Each shoot is going to be prepared differently depending on what type of business they are and the creative we're working towards.

Can you tell us about your photography price structure, how can potential clients get in touch with you? 

My quotes vary widely and are based on usage, complexity, length of time and individual needs for the shoot (hair & makeup, props, etc.). I'm always happy to provide a quote to a prospective client once I've had a chance to dig into all of these things with them. I'm available at

As a female business owner, can you offer any tips or advice to young women in business? 

This is a really hard question! I would say reach out and become friendly with as many other women in your industry as you can. My relationships and ultimately friendships with other women in my industry have been some of my most valuable resources to draw upon. They help provide guidance and emotional support in ways that no other people in my life could.

To learn more about Lindsay and her work, connect with her at, or visit her website.