The Journey Behind Open Dialogue AI - Meet Ed Blunderfield

The Journey Behind Open Dialogue AI - Meet Ed Blunderfield

Our newest programs sponsor, Ed Blunderfield, founder of Open Dialogue AI, shares his career journey and how he got to where he is today. In this interview, Ed also shares his advice on the importance of finding what you love to do, and tells us the best piece of advice he has ever gotten!

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The Importance of Fierce Conversations

The Importance of Fierce Conversations

2020 was a year of many firsts. As we enter 2021 looking back on the last year, there were a lot of conversations that took place that I wish I had sooner, both personally and professionally. Check out this post to learn about three key takeaways and tips to have difficult conversations and how to make them more productive!

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The End of an Era: Insights from Jasmine, Our Co-President

The End of an Era: Insights from Jasmine, Our Co-President

With the end of 2020 looming in the distance, it also marks the end of an era for the YWiB Vancouver community. At the end of 2020, we are saying goodbye to our beloved Co-Presidents, Valentine and Jasmine. With their collective years as YWiB team members, they each have some unique insights to share with the community, from personal to professional to all things YWiB Vancouver.

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The End of an Era: Insights from Valentine, Our Co-President!

The End of an Era: Insights from Valentine, Our Co-President!

With the end of 2020 looming in the distance, it also marks the end of an era for the YWiB Vancouver community. At the end of 2020, we are saying goodbye to our beloved Co-Presidents, Valentine and Jasmine. With their collective years as YWiB team members, they each have some insights to share with the community, from personal to professional to all things YWiB Vancouver.

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